Identity crises exist as society’s trademark whether we want to admit it or not. People from different ethnicities are shaped by their environmentally guided habits that are not easily susceptible to conformity and which very often result into comparison conflict from fitting in and or acceptance of the “Other”

Thus the theme of this subject “Identity Crisis.”

There is an instinctive tribal scream that echoes, B-e-l-o-n-g-i-n-g! that embraces even the more sophisticated and disciplined among us. It begins at conception where dependency and bonding is tied to survival, and at birth the evidence of its principle is obvious as the newborn continues its adherence to the tribal connection that began in the womb with the one who birthed them. As the womb/birthing principle extends to nations the same likelihood applies, the tribal affiliation is just as pronounced. Like attracts Like.

Throughout our world’s history ethnicity has been the building block of the character of a people, it is what they represent, having developed their own unique characteristics molded by environment, practices and habits and/ or circumstances which shape and support their culture; and if an outsider chooses to live within their culture he would be bombarded by its influence and eventually automatically conform to its whims; But further if that outsider finds that within that culture there is a settlement of kindred affiliates to his cultural kind he most likely would gravitate to them. That parent group originally bonded through belonging to the same origin and continued to live the same lifestyle that they arrived with because the convenience to maintain their habits was within their grasp.

There are numerous historical references that could be tapped throughout our world to support this occurrence. What has been proven to be the obvious conclusion in the offset is if all amenities are being evenly distributed and there is no equation of inequality, the differences in culture and as such the division in the social order would determine voluntary segregation.

That primordial instinctive behavioral inclination potent and naked in character would insist on its drive for expression. “Birds of a feather flock together”. Cosmopolitanism caused by an exodus, the uprooting of different cultures from their habitat because of wars and other relocating factors that cause the experimental melting pot of different ethnicities as a forced concept, does not seem to encourage bonding, because tribal truths prevail, me; my family; my tribe. The stranger in the midst remains a stranger, always an alien, the guest in waiting. Bonding grows more so from sharing of geography and relative historical roots, the taste buds of shared customs born from similar life experiences so entwined like a common existing bloodline.

I daresay we all at sometime must have experienced that inborn radar we as human beings have where in unfamiliar territory our radar kicks in to zoom in on a kindred soul from similar terrain to be in concert with, that silent tribal scream reaching for cohesion, commonality and trust.

Trust is born out of familiarity and sameness, the stranger to a culture has numerous hoops to hurdle before he can get to the front door of a foreign culture and that foreign culture usually has a door-lock policy that says “guests by invitation only”, and inside the door the stranger would be further subjected to immense scrutiny. Why? Protection of the tribe?

Oceans have existed as dividing lines of separation of history and cultures, language the cultivated form of communication up until recently was different beyond the seas and so were the people, their habits, their lifestyle, but there is a patriotism born into and from identity and its differences that has a pronounced definition, that punctuation is the gap that separates ethnicity and where customs and norms differ.

The American experiment of “from many one nation” is a perfect example of the disharmony that festers in a society because of cultural differences first, followed by segregation, inequalities and then the designations of the Other. Familiarity creates trust and then bonding. People gravitate to familiarity in environment, culture, language, foods and a host of amenities that would have shaped their lives over time, the unfamiliar invites too much adjustment that they would prefer to avoid, to adjust takes them out of their comfort zone; It takes too much unnecessary effort they seem to think; or more likely they harbor an instinctive, protective, repulsive expression of disharmony with “the Other”.

One could imagine if different ethnicities through migration occupied a large expanse of land space that although ethnically diverse and where bonding would be difficult, they could possibly occupy different areas in this vast expansion of space living according to their respective norms under one common governmental principle; separate but equal. But somehow that historically runs into inequalities. The “Other,” very often being a minority seems to fall victim to monopoly and exploitation. The big-fish syndrome takes root and overwhelms the “Other” through manipulation, fermenting inadequacies by systematically stifling their achievements and making them dependent on an adverse system.

Nations of our world such as : Germany, China, India, the Middle East region, South America, South Africa all have histories of the plague of racism and accompanying inequalities. Then this begs the question about human tendency and the “Why”

Why does subjugation seem to rise to the top when affluence flourishes in abundance in a prosperous society, why should inequalities prosper when there is enough to share equally, why does greed make master and servant of us, wherein, wherefore lies the glory that is humanity?

There seems to be a part of our nature that is still primordial, the selfish infantile cry “Mine! Mine!”; not willing to share. But however though, humanity seem to challenge itself all throughout the ages, if we could use biblical scribbling as a yardstick to legitimatize history we find that oppression existed then as much as it does now. Even going further back beyond the biblical era there is discovered evidence of normally accepted degrading principles namely Master and Slave. But even though the oppressed has been challenging the oppressor, sometimes the status changes hands, the oppressed becomes the oppressor and so on and so on. Is this the way of the world? Or are we at liberty to say now: A Change is coming! Because…..

TURNING THE CORNER…. It seems as though overnight the world has entered a new frontier, while we were asleep it appears as though the axis moved and we awoke to a new day, challenging the complacency that existed yesterday; challenges to the status quo; while we were asleep a new reality blossomed in the universal mind of the masses; the world became smaller; distance no longer a barrier; our thoughts and expressions transitioned around the globe with unfathomable speed and accuracy, we are connected, and we are bonded like never before, tribal affiliative bonding have extended its borders to welcome a just and humane principle to all who believe in equality of humanity. Maybe this world of ours is on the move to a day in some future form, melted into a oneness of humanity, not because of forced instituted laws, but because of the voice of “We the People,” a bonding grown out of the even exchanges and mixing of cultures born from a common interactive consciousness.

As We Bear Witness: The march is on from Moscow to China to Germany to Europe to Africa, and Yes! to America.

Slavery and its product Racism were the building block of America’s prosperity, the inhumanity of Man to Man was a way of life for a people who considered themselves civilized and God- fearing then, those who professed to be civilized and God-fearing committed horrendous inhumane acts of slavery, murder, rape and pilferage of a people in a foreign land, kidnapped them by the thousands, bound and chained and shipped them as cargo to foreign land plantations, broken into submission to slave for white prosperity. This inhumane condition they maintained for hundreds of years, they became wealthy on the backs of free slave labor from a people in bondage, a people they bought and sold like livestock.

Now here we stand after years of struggling to break those chains, at last we are free of the shackles but the years of enslavement have left the scars on our minds and bodies as we rise from the ashes of despair, how sluggish we are after all this time in bondage, how ill equipped we are to compete in a world beyond the plantations as we rise to this challenge for survival.

These self-anointed, professed civilized and God- fearing people that prospered on the backs of slavery when now questioned or challenged on their stance on that immorality then and to some extent now, they offer weak and empty apologies on their parents behalf but do not take responsibility as a people for the inhumanity of slavery even though they benefited from our blood and sweat and tears and death, their fortunes are stained in our blood, they are the beneficiaries of our slavery and as such they have also earned the responsibility of atoning for the sins of their ancestors just as we are the beneficiaries of the burden of grief from our ancestors, and as such we have earned the right to share in the wealth that we contributed to in forming this country’s prosperity, we are morally entitled, we are spiritually entitled, we are ancestoraly entitled, we are by labor statute entitled.

“We the People” challenge you to live up to the creed you claim allegiance to as you address the world professing dedication to humanity: In this new day, in this dawning of awakening and awareness you are invited to come aboard and ride on this wave of change and bear witness to the new horizon in the morning.

My Apologies! I beg forgiveness for having strayed into a preamble that may appear irrelevant considering the nature of the original topic, but I dare suggest that all roads led to this eventuality, the voice of “We the People” have spoken in pronounced emphasis demanding that we right the wrongs inflicted over time, repair the broken bridges of promises.

I would suggest that humanity has an obligation to itself not by choice but by need, our salvation depends on our recognition of our needs. Together we are strong, divided we crumble to dust, the earth we occupy is a smaller place today than yesterday, we all have access to the same capabilities. If there is uncontrolled strife because of greed and selfishness our past tendencies suggest we are capable of destroying ourselves. Our world is no longer comfortable with the haves and the have nots; the rich and the poor; the master and the servant; the Prince and the Pauper. The cry is now, equality and justice for all.

So now “We the People” stand in solidarity challenging the status quo, “We the People” have arrived at a consciousness that determines the salvation of justice and equality for all.

We demand what’s due.



I went back to that place where my old neighborhood should have been but it was not there anymore, that place I used to call home was now a forest of vegetation and wildlife. There, that place where I once lived comfortably under the illusion of invincibility, that place where I thought I was master of my domain; Gone! Gone, now only 50 years after the plague that ravaged the village and killed or drove the human population away leaving it lifeless and barren, and now vegetation and its accompanying trappings of wildlife that had previously been replaced by mankind’s gentrification and concrete jungle-ing. has come back to reclaim its place, its dominion over the earth space.

Just how quickly this transition happened is testimony to humanity’s fragility. Before the plague’s visit to our self-absorbed romantic illusion, we existed in the false reality that we were champions of this space, this planet, earth. And then like a Tsunami silent and deadly without warning it devoured our well- being with sinister precision while cloaked in the shadows of our tranquility; then like a stagnant fog it flooded our reality; What a rude awakening. The dawning of our vulnerability profoundly evidencing our fragility in the face of our claim of world supremacy; now we are brought to our knees with such resignation by something as minute as a virus, so small, yet all our massive weaponry could not stop its onslaught. All our boastful power and might was no match in this contest of survival with as insidious an adversary as this virus; This enemy of man invisible to our naked eye attacked us whether day or night, in the open, it did not hide but we didn’t see it coming, it snuffed our lives and eventually took our space as it manipulated our defenses, evidencing nature’s control over this planet that we were allowed by its grace to share. From what source did it originate? obviously from nature; fulfilling nature’s natural function.

Before the plague and before the forest came back to reclaim the space that was my old neighborhood, the forest was quiet but yet consistent in its pursuit, it was obvious even while I lived there in my artificially controlled luxury, I realized I had to have nature’s natural tendency curtailed to stunt its aggression less I be overrun by its drive for reclamation. The cost of maintenance to my lifestyle was the price I took for granted, that was the way of the world I lived in, I never envisioned nature’s tendency as a challenge to my well being, just as I never paid attention to the rising sea levels, or the disappearing rain forest, the lungs of the earth, or the melting ice caps in the Arctic, or the ozone layer’s thickening and stifling the planet, or the orchestrated capitalists greed sucking the life blood from the veins of the earth seeking black gold for personal profit. Now looking back at how irresponsible humanity has been over time, and making comparison with the natural tendencies of other life forms on the planet, I am forced to consider a different concept of reality with some reluctance.

We as humans may possibly be a transplanted organism, a guest to this our host, Planet Earth. I must analyze the evidence that presents itself that challenges humanity’s status in this earth scheme. Plant life, animal life, life of the sea all seem to exist and survive naturally within nature’s perimeters, there are no obvious challenges from one natural entity to another’s existence, the sun reigns down on the rain forest not to destroy but to support life, even the occasional bush fire is meant to ignite and support growth and life, the rain in turn follow a sequencing pattern in the rhythm of earth’s life cycle. The animals consume just enough from the earth’s treasure chest for sustainability. There’s balance, there’s harmony, naturally. But this balance does not seem to exist between man and earth, man doesn’t play by nature’s law, but rather he is the law breaker, a deviant from earth’s scheme. One cannot help but wonder if Man in his thirst for control created an illusion to support his selfish desires, it seems thought worthy that he may have fashioned his own God in his own image, with the same prejudice that plagues him, the same selfishness that is his personality, just as revengeful in his judgment, just as jealous and envious in his heart. If there is an entity credited with the creation of the universe known and unknown in all its magnificence and splendor would such an entity be as undisciplined and frivolous as man, considering the chaotic tendencies, characteristics and aspirations of man? I would submit that the entity that is, the architect responsible for the creation of all things could not be as limited in judgment and perception and achievement as man.

Yet despite our witnessing the wonders, the grandeur that encompasses the universe, we still compare that supreme state of being with that of man and anticipate the principles and judgment of the omnipresence according to man’s obviously inferior standards. I would venture to suggest that when we came into existence as the entity man we must have adhered then to the laws of nature to survive this long, if we didn’t we would have perished long ago, because nature has no patience with ignorance. The question is then what changed and when; We were hunter/gatherers, and we were farmers, we crop cultivated to feed and maintain family and tribe. We knew how to adapt to the seasons, to live within its perimeters in harmony; what changed? when?

What is Harmony?

How should harmony be defined? Is it self explanatory, or does harmony have to have definitions and a judgment principle. If harmony is an established criteria by someone or some organization it most likely wouldn’t be harmonious. Harmony has to be a mutually satisfying realization, understanding and appreciation.

Destruction of Life:- how does it affect our equilibrium.

In our world there is an established fact that all life forms strive for survival, man being at the top of the food chain has been able to manipulate the feeding frenzy to his advantage, but neglects to pay particular attention to the earth’s natural principle, that is :- the only life form that seems to invite and enjoy being harvested is plant life, it welcomes our reaping, in fact it blossoms and blooms in profusion when we take from its fruition. There is no destruction or death, only harmony. But when we kill and devour a life force that is striving for survival just as we are, we consume and inherit whatever stress, anger, fear, disease and mal-structured personality inherent in the beast as it struggles to the end to hold on to life. We then become diminished degraded to a lower status than animal. It stands to reason we are what we eat.

Why did we lose our way? did we think we were progressing by contradicting nature’s purpose? Obviously we thought we were invincible, we thought we could control nature’s direction, our laboratories were stacked with scientific experiments for the purpose of manipulation and diversion of nature’s ordained principle, all for profit, greed. How dreadfully we did succumb to the whims and fancy of the manipulator, Greed. It seemed that nature’s revolt was upon us! “But nature does not have a mind to think and then act;” I pondered? What do we know about nature’s processes in the forests of our world? My quest brought to light some interesting finds. Scientific research has over time discovered that there are more to trees than meets the eye. The forests of our world are inhabited and peopled by civilizations that live according to a different set of rules called “natural law,” there is harmony that exist between the inhabitants and the forests, they claim they communicate with vegetation on a spiritual level, they claim that trees speak a language they understand telepathically. See (US Forest Service: Caring for the land and serving people; Wilson and Golonka 2013) scientific research team stated “language is a meaning- making activity at the core of every form of life, whether human or not. How then do we approach others whose language we fail to notice because they appear to be silent to us.” See recent findings on the ability of plants to produce, detect, and respond to sound. (Gagliano et al 2012). “Plant communicate through several thousand volatile chemicals.” Those were some results from scientific research findings.

But there was also another school of thought and knowledge from a spiritual source called Shamanic Doctrine. In the forests of our world there is a Supreme awareness and connective harmony between human and plants which manifest itself through a medium known as the Shaman. He or She is the conduit through whom flows the language of the forests. The healing properties of plants, the spiritual benefits derived from adherents to natural law, the connectedness of plants, animal and human. He is guided through certain hallucinatory herbal cocktails into a trance like state and transported into the realm of this wonderland where “knowing” is acquired from the spirit world, the world of our ancestry.

PS: (Shamanism is the most ancient form of spirituality on the planet. It is where information and healing are sort in parallel planes of existence by traveling between states of consciousness. Everything is interconnected. Everything that is, is alive.)

This harmony that is nature is part and parcel of our human experience, our existence is maintained by the life sustaining oxygen the forests breathe into our nostrils, and the forests in return maintains our atmospheric conditions by absorbing our poisonous carbon dioxide.

The rain forests are the lungs of the earth, it attracts moisture and transforms it into a condensation that floods the earth’s ecosystem creating necessary rainfall bringing nutrition to all life forms. The forests feed us, clothe us, shelter us, sustain us, it gives us life. Everything begins and ends with nature.

Now here I am standing at the threshold of this wilderness that used to be habitable, looking at the place that I once called home and coming to grips with why am I back here; I am here because the plague of fifty years ago has out maneuvred humanity, has totally monopolized the earth space and has driven me back to this place where it originated. It’s coming back home. And here I stand, alone.

But as I stand here there is a whisper I sense in my mind’s eye; It says “Come in, welcome to a new world. A new world order.”

Cooperate or die is the question.



I now very often have Reflective daydreams of a life of blissful existence long gone, where family was, and friend was, and neighbor was. “LOVE” the word and utterance of it was as guarded as “Do not call the name of God in vain.” Those of us who found our awakening spaces in those bygone days would have a comparatively different concept of what those terms mean. Family was not only immediate relations, it extended to neighbors, the parents of my friends were my extended parents, they had the authority to correct and guide me, even chastise me with my parents approval, the moral fiber of the community had fixed definitions, Trust, Honesty, Love. Friendship was a permanent lasting relationship from the cradle to the grave, a bond that held devotion as its guideline. Love was a magical word only uttered with sincere commitment to its function. Now in recent times the “I” and “Me” has replaced “We” and “Us.” We now belong to a world that has evolved to a state of individual self-centered self- absorbness.

How did we arrive at this place? One may suggest it’s the price we pay for progress. The network that provided the information we depended on for our livelihood yesteryear was considered acceptable because it came from a source we held as reliable and trustworthy, there were no reasons for testing the validity of our elders. The family structure which is the building block of social order seems to have fallen apart with the exposure and exploration of new uncharted territories that is mind expanding accessibly subliminal information. Today’s information comes from so many sources thus allowing for a wide variety of viewpoints.

Yesteryear people who maintained the paddy fields all their lives know more about rice and its cultivation than those who spend their lives working in coal mines. People belonging to a particular stratospheric environment use and develop whatever is akin to their geographic region. Overtime as knowledge spreads through nomadic pursuit, the gardener became the engineer in a foreign land and the coal miner became the rocket scientist somewhere far away from home. But more than their pursuits of excellence by expanding their individual capacity for knowledge was their reluctance to return home, that place they left behind although their sworn purpose was to return after acquiring their education, therefore the tribe they left that needed their contribution to its upliftment remained in the Dark Ages. The acquired education is now used to support an already affluent society, a social order more often already established on the backs of the ignorant masses. Thus the migration of the ignorant masses attracted to a Capitalistic machine.

Hence the observation is that the Capitalistic machinery exploits the ignorance of the underprivileged. They set the stage that charter their dominance by feeding the imagination of the underprivileged world with subliminal advertising to entice the mental palate of a people starving for enlightenment . Now those deprived people want to live like the Oppressor does, they develop an attraction to those bad habits the Oppressor introduces while forsaking their own cultural identity and upbringing, they are attracted to the Oppressor’s goods because of his subliminal packaging enticing their hungry undernourished minds. The Capitalist, the wolf in sheep’s clothing would infiltrate the land of the underprivileged under a sinister disguise of nation building while raping the country of its rich resources, but the profits go into the coffers of the investors and not to benefit the land where the investment is made; and they are blinded by the impostor’s pretense and witty manoeuvres, their bribes and hood- winking of their leaders who fall prey to the attraction of the shiny objectives, tokens with little value all to the detriment of their people. And so these places remain a Third World existence. Although much of the world has become smaller or more closely connected because of the information network yet these places remain unsustainable, and lack self-sufficiency.

BRAIN DRAIN: The acquisition of the elite personnel of a Third World society by a superior power to uplift its own status while stunting the development of the host. The underdeveloped places are now starving for technological skills because their skilled technicians have been usurped by superior nations to maintain and improve their standards thus draining the brain of the Third World. What results from the brain drain is a followed pattern, now because the masses are more educated in the ways of the world and know where greener pastures exist this knowledge inevitably lights a fire to the drive of the underprivileged masses, thus the Exodus, Movement of the People.

History bears witness to mankind’s nomadic nature, adventure, discovery, always seeking better and easier ways of existence, the only obstacle in their pursuit was directional, where to go what course to take, now with the information network that barrier no longer exists so now the Exodus in on. The driver of this movement is as natural as growth itself, knowledge, the awakening of desire, overwhelming in its stride, defeating barriers in its way as it forges forward, relentless in its pursuit of life’s sustainability, this inspiration, this urge is greater than any barriers erected to curtail its movement. Movement of the People.

The Exodus develops a character all its own, its motivation, to reclaim what it believes is its right; It thinks in these terms as it invades territories occupied by its Oppressors “You arrived at your status of wealth through thievery and manipulation of the vulnerable nations of the world, this movement is our reclamation of our birthright.” Relentless is its pursuit, driven by the awakening of a consciousness that claims that; “This land is meant for you as well as me, entitlements should be universal. This is our challenge and contradiction to your selfish objectives”.

Your money spent on erecting barriers to keep hungry people of the world out would be better spent economically if used to support the development of those places where people are leaving in pursuit of betterment, those hungry people would prefer to live in their own native countries if it is made comfortable. Your boast of your contributions to underdeveloped countries is really a blindfold on the eyes of our world to your schemes of infiltration and conniving and stealing it’s resources while they foolishly fall prey to your manipulation. When your scheme is analyzed it is proven to be thievery in disguise, they realized much too late that it was a draining mechanism to bleed the lifeblood of their resources and so taking away their independence or ensuring their dependence on you.

Your tentacles of dominance and control is based on, The Golden Rule Principle. “The MAN with the GOLD makes the RULES”……and so you infiltrated the underdeveloped and underprivileged countries; wrecked their homes stole their land and influenced their culture with your might and pretentious religion; all over the world there is obvious evidence of your dominance; the wars you waged against those who refused to surrender to your manipulation; the destruction you subjected them to with your might. Now there is a new wave emerging from the ashes of despair; the growth of a movement from this enlightened fertile soil willing to challenge your modern day barbarism, they are now taking a stand against your purpose, they are reclaiming their homes and their identity.

All over the world in recent times there is an abundance of unrest as peoples converge on forbidden territories requesting asylum, claiming inhumane conditions in their homeland; corrupt government, violence, unemployment, starvation. Why should there be any reason for people to seek refuge in neighboring countries because of inhumane conditions in their homeland when a world organization called the United Nations and other prosperous countries just next door have all the power and resources to offer humanitarian relief through organised efforts by whatever means necessary. There is absolutely no reason for starvation anywhere on our earth, when statistics support that there is enough food produced at any time that could feed the entire planet. One inhumane reason is that food that could feed the hungry is dumped just to maintain the highest profit margin of the uncensored Capitalistic machinery, when this abundance could be shared with the underprivileged of our world.

Why this unrest is so pronounced in our time is because Capitalism and its results is being challenged like never before, our world is much too enlightened now to allow the greed that Capitalism engineers be maintained, our world seems to be determining an ultimatum. It seems to say, “We have to foster self-sufficiency for all peoples of our world as one people with equal entitlement to all.” A system that determines this is inevitable. One may ask, how and why? Because people enlightened would sacrifice their lives for their beliefs. How and why? Because the human elemental condition becomes something larger than their fear. How and why? Because there would be mass rebellion, turmoil and catastrophe throughout the world. Because might and destruction is the tendency mankind reverts to when confronted with resistance. Doesn’t history bear witness? Is the wind of change upon us?


In every society in any culture throughout our world the WOMAN seems to have a common thread that runs through the veins of her existence. A desire to nurture. This trait is as pronounced as is Man’s desire to copulate. The life of a woman is obligatory it seems, and as if ordained by a higher order she is endowed with a sixth sense of awareness that appears to be spiritually instinctive, as she seems guided by the hand of providence. In her life’s journey she matures before her male counterpart and as she traverses through life she adjusts to the challenges that her development puts her through, her physical and emotional turmoil particularly at puberty when she bonds a relationship with her periodically bleeding reality, one can only imagine what a traumatic revelation that must have been when it first dawned on her the intuitive that for the most part this is a permanent life sentence.

Nature also has a scheme prescribed for her as it puts into effect her drive to procreate, that channeling of the ovarian system that ignites her come-hither appetite and the lure of male attention.  Here she confronts another battle, that is to resist the temptation of nature’s beckoning finger of lustful desire as she is advised to save her virginity for a special someone. Her instincts immature as they are, unable to identify that ideal special someone and sometimes her special someone does not meet the approval of parental guidelines and so there is often conflicting moral opinions. Oh! What a road to travel as she winds her way through this phase of her development. Pitfalls ensue from time to time, heartbreaks, unwanted pregnancies, abortions and forced marriages may all add to the perils of her life’s journey. But yet her resiliency is maintained as she forges forward seeking her ordained destiny, the opportunity to nurture.

Very often it is after trials and tried and true options, good and bad experiences, and with some luck she eventually arrives at a juncture where she thinks she has found compatibility with someone, and there a new journey begins. Now marriage and family is at the forefront of her life’s ambition, most women may not want to admit this but they are the wooers and persuaders in this chapter of the relationship, though the Man thinks he is the pursuer because she leads him to this stage. Her quest now is to convince a reluctant stubborn suitor that she can bring happiness to his future, here is where her cunning is at its best as she maneuvers her skills to break down his resistance, she suppresses her intolerance for his ego trips and his exhibitions of mannishness, she learns ego massaging is an art with its own rewards, so she stays the course, the goal is in sight, she reminds him of his mother with all the attention she has pampered him with, he decides to (do her the favor, or so he thinks) he agrees to marry her. Oh! What she had to go through to get to this point knowing in her heart its to his benefit as well as hers.guinea family

Pregnancy is another landmark in this journey of her existence, the signs are obvious, the morning sickness, the mood swings, the strange diets, the shape shifting, the uncomfortable weight gain, the patience for nine months as she waits, what a burden to bear. A husband looks at his wife and can’t help but wonder how could she be so sane with all this madness and turmoil in that physical body, there has got to be other forces present in her he concludes, because for him this ordeal would be too much to bear, as he massages her tumbling belly he asks “Does it hurt when it does that?” She ignores him because she feels a sharp pain in her pelvic area. She says to him “it’s time,” she knows childbirth is near as her pre-delivery pain starts, her pelvic bones dislocate from it’s fixture to accommodate the passage of a new birth, a new life, as she groans in anguish as her body painfully responds to nature’s call. Her husband is invited to witness her childbirth experience but she is apprehensive because she thinks after this her widespread exposure her vagina would never be the same to him. “It’s a Boy weight 8 lbs 10 oz.”, the doctor exclaims, the husband is overjoyed but the wife utters under her breath “He is Big.” a bit self-consciously as though embarrassed by her vagina’s yawning ability.

Child rearing to her is somewhat instinctive just as it was to her mother before her, but managing baby, home and husband is tedious, but she maneuvers through her domestic responsibilities with such wizardry efforting to ensure that no one be left wanting. She maneuvers through all the mishaps that present themselves in her family life, extramarital affairs being no exception, after giving birth to their baby boy an immature husband thought he was being neglected and seeked attention elsewhere, when confronted  he chose to justify his behavior by pointing to the absence of sex while his wife healed, but she recognized how shallow his maturity was still, but she maintained control to help him grow out of those insecurities that propelled him to seek outside female attention, but still she questioned; Is it not the drive that the seed he harbors in his scrotum the dictator of his infidelity?

Disappointed though she was, she was not as angry as she thought she would have been under the circumstances,  in reflection she called on her life experiences and what she had learned about Male tendencies. She learned love and commitment to a woman is her whole existence but to a Man Love is thing apart. So she waits as he grows into the man he was destined to be, as she gently and indirectly nudged him along though he thought he achieved his maturity all by himself. He looks at his son with pride and admiration, his home comfortable and serene, his wife loving and adoring, and credits himself for his ability to woo this special kind of woman to be his wife and the mother of his child. But did he really woo her or was he wooed?

Now she laments pensively, silently. “This is the rapture I have been seeking all my life, this is the destiny I have envisioned all the dreaming and waking moments of my life, this is my happiness. My predestined purpose as though written into the chapters of my existence by an authority that needed not my consent. My desire to Nurture, the manifestation of it’s authority fulfilled. I am Woman.”





What has our Elders done for us lately?

This question surfaced recently from a young man that I befriended during my juggings down life’s rugged path. My immediate jerk reaction was to check myself. What have I done lately for the young people in my life?….

Those of us belonging to the category of “The Elders” (and I dare determine that to be 65 plus) would realize how trends and modes of communication have created a generational gap that far exceeds the standard that existed yesteryear. There was a time when our Elders demanded respect just by virtue of him or her having traveled through the complicated traffic that this life maneuvers us through, and those experiences were handed down to generation after generation, the young adults absorbed the wisdom of the Elders with relish, their words were the chronicle of the times.

But today there are so many contradictory truth sources, so many untrue sources, so many religious interpretations by false prophets in an age when the information network is accessible as never before, so when our Elders choose to hold on to doctrines of a time past that is now being challenged by our youth and our response is “Have Faith.” “Houston we have a problem!”

The communication gap widens as the information network becomes more accessible to the younger generation, they being more computer savvy, they entered this world it seems with a built in understanding of computer language, techniques and skills, more often than not we adults have to be schooled by a younger person who does not understand, why we don’t understand, what they understand so naturally. Because old habits are hard to break some Elders continue to hold on to old outdated doctrines and don’t pay attention to changing criteria where old adages are falling by the wayside for new and updated discoveries.. It is noteworthy that older doctrines are being disproved by current scientific truths, but more significantly is however, the distance between the young and the old is not merely lacking because of the information network although that has it’s place, more than the gap created by the revolution of the information network it is about our person to person disconnect. How do we bridge the gap between us? How could we adults hold the attention of the young long enough to convey some wisdom that our years on this planet have blessed us with, how do I first Reach you that I may Teach you? This is my responsibility to you. But you, the youth also have a responsibility to me and as such to yourself.

Be mindful that I have been down some rough roads that may very well be in your distant future. My father before me wisely advised at a time and place reminiscent to where you are now, he said: “Where You Are Now I Used To Be, Where I Am Now You One Day Will Be, So Prepare Yourself To Follow Me.”

You as of yet have not seen as many sunrises or dark skies as I have.

Would you listen as I try to relate and try to prepare you for those sunless dark skies?







We belong to a culture that exists in grandeur. We exemplify that Might is the advantage ideal we aspire to. If your gene pool determines a bigger physical stature (of which you had no contribution or control) that is considered to be your good fortune in our culture, and so to take advantage of the weakest in our midst is not challenged or ridiculed but tolerated. In the games we play like the wars we fight, the Might advantage and imbalance we gravitate to and support, though fairness is a moral standard we falsely profess to hold. Our stance determines though that control is in the hands of grandeur whether by physical brutality, by wealth, or the biggest guns.

Once upon a time there use to be a moral barrier we held as gospel, like “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you,” or “To kick someone when he is down, to take advantage of someone was a sign of your own weakness,” but in recent times those standards have reversed in principle as our leaders, the chosen Representatives of the People’s morality publicly support the Dribbling Cesspool in our society, and by example given liberty to the pool’s source fermentation of the sinister side of the American culture that has been kept under the surface of our existence but just within reach of a chicken scratch to expose the stench of our founding.ruger-ar-556-8500MENTAL ILLNESS

How is Mental Illness determined, how should we distinguish the difference between Mental Illness and Unleashed Rage, Anger and Aggression?

We occupy places in this society where at anytime, anywhere, by anyone, evil could disastrously manifest its ugliness in our society through gun violence’s mass slaughter of defenseless people. Nowhere else in this world is there such a comparable murder statistic, but to save face we lie and hide behind the cry of Mental Illness. But should we not first admit that we exist in a culture that is American extravagance where we harbor an innate desire for excessive expression of grandeur. We seem to individually seclude ourselves into cocoons of mental isolation hiding our truths within, until the walls erupt under the explosion of our reality, as Sexual Predators; Financial Embezzlers; Serial Killers or Mass Murderers. But we try to deny that reality and so the evil escapes our censorship.

While it is obvious that a lid on the availability of guns would quell gun violence, General Violence historically have been structured into the fabric of our society and will continue to strive for expression as we continue to MANUFACTURE PREDATORS.

WE THE PEOPLE have to challenge ourselves;

WE THE PEOPLE have to break our backs to break the cycle that breaks our connectedness;

WE THE PEOPLE hold the key to our future;





The Abundance of whatever we find desirable not for sustainability but for hoarding like GREED

There seem to be a law in effect that governs the attitudes of nature’s existence. Inhabitants of its scheme proceed in a state of natural adherence throughout the span of their respective cycles, but lately man seems to be the only inhabitant that stubbornly and recklessly deviate from nature’s law. Animal life throughout its kingdom may adjust to circumstances relative to its existence but with no marked deviation from character, even domestication by Man does not compromise its instinctive traits. Plant life has been in existence before Man entered this earth’s scheme standing in maintenance of its ecological responsibility for thousands of years and will continue its existence with or without Man’s intervention. The Earth’s ecology would continue to be maintained by nature’s grace, naturally. Man in his infancy and innocence instinctively found harmony with nature’s law, he took from nature only what he needed for his sustainability, even as Earth’s population grew the Hunter-Gatherer adhered to Earth’s natural function.

And then what? there must have been an adverse thought invasion; “Capitalism”. Where did it come from? It came to our world from what source of inspiration? What has it bestowed on us? Before Capitalism there was Barter and the Fair Exchange of goods monetary gain was not necessary, but then the Promissory Note was introduced to accommodate the individual whose circumstance was for whatever reason short of goods to exchange but would pledge this note which meant a promise to provide the owed goods at a later date. That worked until “Greed” introduced itself into the mix.

Previous to Greed’s intervention exchanges of goods or labor was fair barter, it was not intended for riches but for maintenance of family and to further tribal stability, but then low and behold the Promissory Note took on frills like “Penalty and Interest on the Debt”, meaning if the Debtor fell on hard times because of a bad crop yield, he would be at the mercy of his Creditor who now mercilessly attaches a “Penalty and Interest” to his debt regardless of his inability to satisfy his Note in the first place, and at this time when he is helpless and vulnerable. Now Greed has taken the wheel of the Human Condition, the Family of Man no longer exists. Fair Exchange is now ancient history. Capitalism now reigns, Greed the driving force. Exploitation for profit spreads like wildfire throughout the Anglo Saxon society engulfing our world and reshaping the standards we held as right and wrong or good and the responsibility of the Family of Man was self sustainability of the whole, the Creditor/Banker now creates himself as the Controller/Landlord and “Determinator” of who lives and who dies. the era of the Golden Rule; “The One with the Gold makes the Rules”, has arrived. The Creditor/Banker/Landlord spreads his influence hither thither and yon taking the riches of the Earth that originally belonged to any and all inhabitants of our world and filling his coffers under the disguise of “Government”. Now that the Power in is the hand of “Government” one would think that as the term implies, “Government” is to govern fairly and equally, but Greed may have been the driving force that invented “Government” in the first place, so Greed now governs our existence, the riches of the Earth which originally had no boundaries or barriers, where there was always enough to go around, now hoarded into the coffers of Greed and used as a tool to manipulate the people of the world, Greed has made Beggars of us, Greed has created isolationists of us, Greed has created enemies among us, hunger and starvation is now directed to whom Greed determines, food in abundance is destroyed in the face of the needy to maintain a Profit Margin. And our world blindfolded by Greed is oblivious to the downward spiral that has got its tentacles around our existence as Greed reigns supreme. Greed taxes our wages to take care of our needs, it says, but still we live in squalor, homeless and deprived. And “We the People” are held hostage by Greed and hope that one day Greed would have pity on us, but little do we know pity is not in Greed’s nature, the Predator gene dominates its existence.

How did we arrive at this place with our eyes wide open? May I suggest that Greed tempted us to believe that we could have an abundance of whatever we find desirable, not just enough for sustainability but for hoarding like Greed does, Greed has ignited a gluttonous gene in us and now we are under its control.

We are addicted to Greed.

Observer of the Man/Woman Evolution… Bonobos are more closely related to humans than chimps, scientific studies show.

IF I WAS BORN A EUNUCH and had no affiliation with either gender physically or emotionally:

My status as a EUNUCH affords me a bird’s eye unbiased view of the varied stages of the Man/Woman relationship.

There must have been a status quo when first their union came to be, if one uses as the example their closest relatives from the animal kingdom, the Chimpanzee and the Bonobo, (to be more specific the Bonobo is more like human than the Chimpanzee according to experts in Anthropology Science). The female of the Bonobo family occupies a dominant status in their union, she is never challenged by any male for the role of leader of the pack and her method of controlling rivalry and dissension within their structure is with sexual diversion, where it is observed that there  is a wide repertoire of sexual techniques to stimulate any taste preference within the group.

Interestingly enough while the Chimpanzee’s sexual act is restricted to the missionary position the Bonobo like the human practices are wide and varied and they even indulge in homosexual exploration. The female introduces sex to competing rivals to calm aggression and to restore harmony. She is endowed with the instinct that sex in the male is his dominant driving force, sex to her though is not sponsored only by a biological drive towards procreation but also used to quell political discourse within the tribe. (The Bonobo’s claim to fame as quoted by Zoology Science is “They make Love not War”).

If the human condition is compared in the light of this discovery there is some similarity to that nature sponsored principle. Then there is the character of the Caveman exemplified by some anthropologists that suggest that Man in his primitive state aggressively took sex from the female whenever his desire sparked. The Hunter/Gatherer made it paramount that there were enough sexual partners available to satisfy his appetite. The woman did not mind accommodating his desires recognizing it’s a convenience she could facilitate because it’s short-lived and pacifying to his aggressive nature.

Human beings in their scientific studies of animal behavior categorize them as a class different to themselves, but one wonders how far different are they. They describe the presence of the Estrus Cycle in the female as an “Animal in heat” and how the male instinctively senses this and becomes aroused and aggressive. One wonders if this instinct obtains throughout nature and the human is subjected to it’s influence unknowingly. The male of any species more often than not exhibit sexual aggression, this seems to be an inbred trait, a drive to impregnate, Society has adopted ways to suppress these biological urges and hang on to religion as the moral yardstick of determination, in some Middle Eastern and Asian cultures the female dress code determines that she be covered almost totally so that there be no visible nakedness to ignite male aggression.

Prostitution is said to be the oldest profession the world has known, it is one of the amenities implemented to satisfy man’s sexual appetite. The woman has been patient and tolerant throughout history, she has kept house and gave birth to babies, she has observed how man’s ego and aggression hinders and blindfolds his better judgment, but hoped that man the self proclaimed leader of the human condition would recognize how instrumental her contribution could be to the destiny of the human family, but man’s egotistical instinct dominates his judgment and chaos always ensues. Now in recognition of this her perception of a flawed personality in man, woman demanded that her voice be heard and her status be acknowledged, she determined to have a say as to who the leader of the pack should be, she no longer settled to be man’s secretary or “gofer” because man said she should, she claims her status in society because she is qualified to, recognition has to be given to her academic scholarship which determine that she could do so much more, and her natural maternal tendency in the work environment propelled her to decision making status.

Man’s resistance was obviously expected, but the woman’s fangs were already embedded into the throat of the system and her influence on the family structure generally all coupled towards the evolution/revolution of the woman. Her evolution was cunning and quick, she has flooded the workplace, in a lot of areas she has replaced the man by first selling her services cheaper than her male counterpart, and now that her foot is in the door she has upped her price and status. She is  mapping her new landscape in the annals of history. But the male habit dies hard, his ego is finding difficulty wrapping itself around this budding new world order. The era when superiority was his and subservience was hers is fading into the cesspool of history, it is difficult for him to accept she is no longer a vessel to be used only for his pleasure, she now stands in defiance exclaiming; “Your man power is diminished through a weakness, your sexual deviance! you dare not touch me anymore if I don’t want you to”.3FD173B600000578-0-image-a-24_1493667417057 “I am no longer subjected to your victimization, I, woman am worthy of honor and respect that you have been blinded to by your self-righteousness, recognize! I am woman”.

The world has now entered the era of, “the house mom”  as a male and “the breadwinner” as female: The division of labor is changing hands. Husbands speak of their wives pregnancy now as “we are pregnant” rather than “she is pregnant” as it used to be. Now old wounds that haunted the memory of the woman through the victimization by man erupt under the scabs of time challenging the system that perpetuated her degradation. But the male when accused, quietly, secretly wondered what was he expected to do in the face of what he perceives to be sexual temptation from the woman, but because the moral lid adopted by society restricts him from speaking his truths bravely and clearly, he utters under his breath, “Your very presence in my space is persuasive! I am trapped in this state of visual attraction, and as you compete for recognition you achieve your intention, my attention! The scent of a woman is like honey to a bee, to me! woman, how can I contain this desire that entraps like a vise grip on my imagination, how do I make you understand that your nakedness even partially ignites a fire in me that only you can quench! Until then it burns forever. In this existence that we share our roles seem to be defined perfectly, you the persuader and me the pursuer. It is no accident that the contours of your body with it’s curves and valleys were designed specifically for my persuasion, and my perpetual pursuit of you is sponsored by this seed I carry in my being that harbors a desire to germinate.  ‘Go forth multiply and replenish the earth,’ is written and if these words were written into the DNA of the human condition by a principle beyond my control, I, Man, maybe at the mercy of this order.”

Society has placed safety valves in it’s system to create a moral standard, a measure of determining what is sexually acceptable, but the bars have been shifting over time, homosexuality was considered taboo at one point in time now there are laws in place to protect it’s lifestyle.

As the union of man and woman continues to evolve it seems obvious that the world is unfolding the way it would. Life lessons teaches that the human spirit stands up and takes it’s liberation, eventually.

Basa! Basa!

“In Pursuit of Truth”

by Basa! Basa!

My truths are shaped by my environment, through which information is filtered to my mind by sometimes untrue sources or opinions seemingly rooted in monopoly. My mind unfolds after analytical review of this information, and so, if I retreat into mental seclusion and with some effort, purge my thoughts of this bias infiltration, I may somehow hazily glimpse a different perspective.

There is a thought that churns in my consciousness, sometimes in subconsciousness, enlightening at times, frightening at times.

How could I justify the validity of the God Principle which I have been spoon-fed all my life when, if the only foundation for belief is the written word of the Bible? For a time I neglected my own mental inquiry for fear of blasphemy, so therefore the justification I needed remained out of reach for fear of the consequence of   contradiction or inquiry, though in pursuit of truth.

My perception through thought, takes me to frontiers of existence and survival principles:- if I came into existence in a so called primitive environment, how would I have perceived God; I may because of a drive in the human spirit hold onto some force or form of inspiration visible or invisible, (more so the latter) because  the mystery will always keep me rooted in faith. Faith in that my existence had to be given, but by nothing I could see or touch or communicate with. If I analyze this faith intellectually there maybe some foundation to this thought.

In my primitive state, I am amazed at the discoveries of my scientific superiors, as much as my scientific superiors are overwhelmed by the mysteries of the universe that is still beyond their comprehension, and so, if it is not that a superior intellect exists physically, there is surely a spiritual manifestation of it’s existence.

Our thoughts and imaginings are nothing visible, but when physically manifested, we are shocked by the achievements. I would suggest that thought and imaginings are alive, not physically but spiritually. This spirituality encompasses a grandeur such as our limited intellect is but a pea in this ocean of intelligence.

If I think, act and create out of intelligence, so minute by comparison to universal order are my achievements that I must pay homage to a greater existence for having so much more; more precision, more perfection, and harmony. And so having acknowledged, I will declare there is a force greater than I, that may very well be the sum total of all the great minds that may exist in my time and of future greatness. But then my imagination is still limited to what I may perceive in my world, mainly Planet Earth.

If I stretch my imagination further, I cannot help but wonder at the possibilities of planetary existences apart from our own, and their magnificence and intellect. This thought originates from a consciousness that questions my solitary planet’s existence in this vast universe, and the remote possibility of it being the only habitable existence in my galaxy, which of course encompasses millions of planets and notwithstanding the millions of other galaxies in the universe. My intelligence dictates that I must pay attention to documented evidence of UFO’s (though limited)  and their scientific superiority.

The existence that is mine could possibly be inferior to some other intelligent life force, and so I again arrive at yet another guideline of sum total of universal intelligence. If I calculate and focus on a universal mind functioning through thought and deed with the intellect of the vast universe, I am but a whisper in the grandeur that is, and as I think, act and create, limited still I am, for infinite is the capacity of the universal mind.

If I take collectively, all that exist in our universe, be it plant life, animal life, human life or whatever life form there may be, awesome is my perception of the beginning that conceived, and in my pursuit of truth, I am forced to exclaim……Oh God!


Mama! They shot me down today

Murdered by the power they made me their prey

Mama! My body now lie in the street

Shot down by those puppets of this system they keep

Mama! My killers they knew me not

But the hate in their hearts triggered the shot

Because of the poisonous rhetoric their mind is fed

My body now lie in the street – Dead.

Killed while those puppets looked from their windowsills

Shot down in the streets that my forefathers built.

But Mama though they shot my body down

My indelible essence still lives on

Alive; Until freedom and justice live

Alive; Until their thoughts and deeds give

Alive; In the voices of the righteous ones

Alive; Until the prejudice is gone.

Mama! Thus my death is not in vain

‘Cause out of disorder a new order will reign

The righteous will turn this prejudice around

The righteous to whom the power belong

The righteous will put injustice to rest

A new order, a new day is our righteous quest.

Mama! Weep no more for me

Mama! Just will be my destiny

Through me this pledge we keep

No Justice No Peace!

No Justice No Peace!