I went back to that place where my old neighborhood should have been but it was not there anymore, that place I used to call home was now a forest of vegetation and wildlife. There, that place where I once lived comfortably under the illusion of invincibility, that place where I thought I was master of my domain; Gone! Gone, now only 50 years after the plague that ravaged the village and killed or drove the human population away leaving it lifeless and barren, and now vegetation and its accompanying trappings of wildlife that had previously been replaced by mankind’s gentrification and concrete jungle-ing. has come back to reclaim its place, its dominion over the earth space.

Just how quickly this transition happened is testimony to humanity’s fragility. Before the plague’s visit to our self-absorbed romantic illusion, we existed in the false reality that we were champions of this space, this planet, earth. And then like a Tsunami silent and deadly without warning it devoured our well- being with sinister precision while cloaked in the shadows of our tranquility; then like a stagnant fog it flooded our reality; What a rude awakening. The dawning of our vulnerability profoundly evidencing our fragility in the face of our claim of world supremacy; now we are brought to our knees with such resignation by something as minute as a virus, so small, yet all our massive weaponry could not stop its onslaught. All our boastful power and might was no match in this contest of survival with as insidious an adversary as this virus; This enemy of man invisible to our naked eye attacked us whether day or night, in the open, it did not hide but we didn’t see it coming, it snuffed our lives and eventually took our space as it manipulated our defenses, evidencing nature’s control over this planet that we were allowed by its grace to share. From what source did it originate? obviously from nature; fulfilling nature’s natural function.

Before the plague and before the forest came back to reclaim the space that was my old neighborhood, the forest was quiet but yet consistent in its pursuit, it was obvious even while I lived there in my artificially controlled luxury, I realized I had to have nature’s natural tendency curtailed to stunt its aggression less I be overrun by its drive for reclamation. The cost of maintenance to my lifestyle was the price I took for granted, that was the way of the world I lived in, I never envisioned nature’s tendency as a challenge to my well being, just as I never paid attention to the rising sea levels, or the disappearing rain forest, the lungs of the earth, or the melting ice caps in the Arctic, or the ozone layer’s thickening and stifling the planet, or the orchestrated capitalists greed sucking the life blood from the veins of the earth seeking black gold for personal profit. Now looking back at how irresponsible humanity has been over time, and making comparison with the natural tendencies of other life forms on the planet, I am forced to consider a different concept of reality with some reluctance.

We as humans may possibly be a transplanted organism, a guest to this our host, Planet Earth. I must analyze the evidence that presents itself that challenges humanity’s status in this earth scheme. Plant life, animal life, life of the sea all seem to exist and survive naturally within nature’s perimeters, there are no obvious challenges from one natural entity to another’s existence, the sun reigns down on the rain forest not to destroy but to support life, even the occasional bush fire is meant to ignite and support growth and life, the rain in turn follow a sequencing pattern in the rhythm of earth’s life cycle. The animals consume just enough from the earth’s treasure chest for sustainability. There’s balance, there’s harmony, naturally. But this balance does not seem to exist between man and earth, man doesn’t play by nature’s law, but rather he is the law breaker, a deviant from earth’s scheme. One cannot help but wonder if Man in his thirst for control created an illusion to support his selfish desires, it seems thought worthy that he may have fashioned his own God in his own image, with the same prejudice that plagues him, the same selfishness that is his personality, just as revengeful in his judgment, just as jealous and envious in his heart. If there is an entity credited with the creation of the universe known and unknown in all its magnificence and splendor would such an entity be as undisciplined and frivolous as man, considering the chaotic tendencies, characteristics and aspirations of man? I would submit that the entity that is, the architect responsible for the creation of all things could not be as limited in judgment and perception and achievement as man.

Yet despite our witnessing the wonders, the grandeur that encompasses the universe, we still compare that supreme state of being with that of man and anticipate the principles and judgment of the omnipresence according to man’s obviously inferior standards. I would venture to suggest that when we came into existence as the entity man we must have adhered then to the laws of nature to survive this long, if we didn’t we would have perished long ago, because nature has no patience with ignorance. The question is then what changed and when; We were hunter/gatherers, and we were farmers, we crop cultivated to feed and maintain family and tribe. We knew how to adapt to the seasons, to live within its perimeters in harmony; what changed? when?

What is Harmony?

How should harmony be defined? Is it self explanatory, or does harmony have to have definitions and a judgment principle. If harmony is an established criteria by someone or some organization it most likely wouldn’t be harmonious. Harmony has to be a mutually satisfying realization, understanding and appreciation.

Destruction of Life:- how does it affect our equilibrium.

In our world there is an established fact that all life forms strive for survival, man being at the top of the food chain has been able to manipulate the feeding frenzy to his advantage, but neglects to pay particular attention to the earth’s natural principle, that is :- the only life form that seems to invite and enjoy being harvested is plant life, it welcomes our reaping, in fact it blossoms and blooms in profusion when we take from its fruition. There is no destruction or death, only harmony. But when we kill and devour a life force that is striving for survival just as we are, we consume and inherit whatever stress, anger, fear, disease and mal-structured personality inherent in the beast as it struggles to the end to hold on to life. We then become diminished degraded to a lower status than animal. It stands to reason we are what we eat.

Why did we lose our way? did we think we were progressing by contradicting nature’s purpose? Obviously we thought we were invincible, we thought we could control nature’s direction, our laboratories were stacked with scientific experiments for the purpose of manipulation and diversion of nature’s ordained principle, all for profit, greed. How dreadfully we did succumb to the whims and fancy of the manipulator, Greed. It seemed that nature’s revolt was upon us! “But nature does not have a mind to think and then act;” I pondered? What do we know about nature’s processes in the forests of our world? My quest brought to light some interesting finds. Scientific research has over time discovered that there are more to trees than meets the eye. The forests of our world are inhabited and peopled by civilizations that live according to a different set of rules called “natural law,” there is harmony that exist between the inhabitants and the forests, they claim they communicate with vegetation on a spiritual level, they claim that trees speak a language they understand telepathically. See (US Forest Service: Caring for the land and serving people; Wilson and Golonka 2013) scientific research team stated “language is a meaning- making activity at the core of every form of life, whether human or not. How then do we approach others whose language we fail to notice because they appear to be silent to us.” See recent findings on the ability of plants to produce, detect, and respond to sound. (Gagliano et al 2012). “Plant communicate through several thousand volatile chemicals.” Those were some results from scientific research findings.

But there was also another school of thought and knowledge from a spiritual source called Shamanic Doctrine. In the forests of our world there is a Supreme awareness and connective harmony between human and plants which manifest itself through a medium known as the Shaman. He or She is the conduit through whom flows the language of the forests. The healing properties of plants, the spiritual benefits derived from adherents to natural law, the connectedness of plants, animal and human. He is guided through certain hallucinatory herbal cocktails into a trance like state and transported into the realm of this wonderland where “knowing” is acquired from the spirit world, the world of our ancestry.

PS: (Shamanism is the most ancient form of spirituality on the planet. It is where information and healing are sort in parallel planes of existence by traveling between states of consciousness. Everything is interconnected. Everything that is, is alive.)

This harmony that is nature is part and parcel of our human experience, our existence is maintained by the life sustaining oxygen the forests breathe into our nostrils, and the forests in return maintains our atmospheric conditions by absorbing our poisonous carbon dioxide.

The rain forests are the lungs of the earth, it attracts moisture and transforms it into a condensation that floods the earth’s ecosystem creating necessary rainfall bringing nutrition to all life forms. The forests feed us, clothe us, shelter us, sustain us, it gives us life. Everything begins and ends with nature.

Now here I am standing at the threshold of this wilderness that used to be habitable, looking at the place that I once called home and coming to grips with why am I back here; I am here because the plague of fifty years ago has out maneuvred humanity, has totally monopolized the earth space and has driven me back to this place where it originated. It’s coming back home. And here I stand, alone.

But as I stand here there is a whisper I sense in my mind’s eye; It says “Come in, welcome to a new world. A new world order.”

Cooperate or die is the question.

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